Hi, I want to know if there is a way when you receive stock(inventory) that it can be allocated to a

RICHARD_8317156 Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member
edited October 2024 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)


  • Shane_6461899
    Shane_6461899 Reckon Staff Posts: 339 Reckon Staff
    edited February 2020
    Hi Richard,

    I have had a look and it's not possible sorry.  You can either make the inventory billable to the customer, and allocated to an invoice, which will not affect the sales order in any way.  Or don't make the inventory billable to the customer, and create your sales order as usual and convert it to an invoice to close off the sales order.  But there is no way to have billable inventory link to a sales order and then to an invoice.  

    I can put in a feature request to our product management team for review for future releases.

  • cosmic
    cosmic Reckon Developer Partner Posts: 1,125 Reckon Legend Reckon Legend
    edited September 2018
    Hi Shane that's lot's aleady in pipeline for Reckon We have some thing similar but we will need more info and will be priced

    Cosmic Accounting Group

    Accountants and Tax Agents 22397009

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