PAYG Summary - RESC incorrect to all reports

Glenn_7626707 Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member
edited October 2024 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
RESC are showing incorrectly on the PAYG summaries, showing a higher value than all reporting shows. Super reports are showing the correct amount also?


  • John Graetz
    John Graetz Member Posts: 1,663 Reckon Star Reckon Star
    edited July 2020
    HI Glenn.  The problem that you have is one that I had to correct myself today.  It is unusual in my experience for the RESC to be higher on the PAYG summary than on your other reports.  In the Reckon Members area, there is a very good solution on how to generally fix this problem and I was able to do that successfully, again, today.  It has also happened to me in past years.  Here is the link:
    I will give you also a piece of good advice, based on my experience today.  You need to run a Super Report by fund.  My advice for you is to print this off, identify where the issues are and then go into individual's pays to make the recommended "corrections".  It is not a good idea to keep this report active, because every time you make a change that affects the report, it has to refresh itself and, in my case, the refreshing can take anything like four minutes at a time.  John L G.
  • Glenn_7626707
    Glenn_7626707 Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited July 2016
    Thanks John unfortunately this didn't work - all pays are correct so perhaps it's a patch thing required.

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