Can't upload STP file. Stating GovConnect details don't match... but they do!

I had this issue under company information in reckon the legal name and and company name need to match exactly as the company name in gov connect do. check that1
I'm having same issue and getting same message Jade. Have tried to find somewhere in the Reckon Portal to update company details but cant find anywhere that allows me.1
Teagan is exactly right on this, its also case sensitive so please be aware of that.
There's info on this here -
Invalid Company Information error” when submitting pay information via Govconnect STP
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Thank you all! I did not realise that the Company Name and Legal Name had to match. I only had 'Incorporated' on the end of our Legal Name.
You would think that the Company Name would be the field to record your Trading Name...why have two fields if they have to be identical??0 -
Hi Jade,
With STP the "name driver" is the name that appears with your ABN on an ABN Lookup (the official registered name of the company). Your Legal name in your company file must match the ABN Lookup name exactly (and yes it is case sensitive) so it passes the checks STP does to ensure it has the right file and account. The Company Name field at the top of the Company Information screen can be anything you like - like your trading name.
Hope this clarifies the issue.
John.0 -
This is really bad news for us. Our legal name is 125 characters long. Maximum field length for the Legal Name in Reckon Accounts is 58 characters. It is impossible for us to match the ATO/ABN Lookup name exactly.
To add to this problem - our ABA file will now generate with the legal name in the ABA file header and lodgement references for our employees because Reckon uses the data in the legal name to populate these items. Our legal name is not our bank account name.
Very concerned about what will happen when we try to upload our payroll on Wednesday both to GovConnect STP and to our bank.
Does anyone have a solution?
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Also check BRANCH NO if you are still having issues - might need to add that to the KB?
Regards, Robyn Kelly1 -
I'm having the same issue - I have matched the Entity name listed on ABN lookup to our Reckon company information (both under company name and legal name), as well as in Reckon portal. It's still not working.....
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I'm having the same problem in Payroll Premier. I have copied and pasted the name from the ABN lookup into the GovConnect portal as well as the Company and Trading name sections of the Company Information section within the program and am still getting the same error message.2
Same. I have also spent almost 2 hours on hold waiting for Reckon Technical Support while I have copied and pasted the name from the ABN lookup into the GovConnect portal & Company /Trading name sections of the Company Information section within Payroll Premier... Still not working...
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Did you find a solution Kate?0
Kellye, when you created your Portal STP tile and verified your ABN - did you include a Branch No? If you don't remember I suspect not. Next step is to check in your Company Information in Reckon file - is there a branch number there? If so delete the branch number and try creating the STP export file and upload again.
If you did include a branch no make sure it's a 3 digit number - either 001 or 002 usually. Again make sure the same number is in the Company Information screen.
Hope that helps?
Regards, Robyn Kelly0 -
Kate, when you created your Portal STP tile and verified your ABN - did you include a Branch No? If you don't remember I suspect not. Next step is to check in your Company Information in Reckon file - is there a branch number there? If so delete the branch number and try creating the STP export file and upload again.
If you did include a branch no make sure it's a 3 digit number - either 001 or 002 usually. Again make sure the same number is in the Company Information screen.
Hope that helps?
Regards, Robyn Kelly
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Can you post a screenshot (redacted at that obviously...) @'Robyn Kelly' where the branch no is in the company information section of the reckon file.. I don't see a field for it anywhere..
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I have included a branch number under company information in Reckon, following the ABN of '001'. I have also tried deleting the branch number in Reckon and leaving that field blank. Still no luck.
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Thank You Robyn! Deleting the branch number in the payroll program fixed the problem.1
@mpgioia if you haven't located it yet, I found the branch number under the preferences section rather than the company information. Go to Preferences; Files then delete the number in the Branch No field under the Empdupe and SAFF heading. This is what worked for me, hope it works for you as well.1
Sounds like it depends which program you are using mpgioia - which Reckon program are you using please?0
Where do you change the company information in the govconnect portal I need to check that there is no GST branch number and try and get the names the same? Also Im with hosted and the portal is saying I have no subscriptions. We are a unit trust so trying to get the correct name is driving me crazy.0
Shelley you can't change it in the GovConnect Portal just yet, you need to change your Reckon data file to match the GovConnect Portal tile. See John's message below with the knowledge base article link.
Regards, Robyn Kelly0 -
okay thanks, no wonder I couldnt find where to change it. I have managed to successfully submit one payroll. Now to the other company.1
Thank you everyone for writing their issues on this blog. After multiple attempts lodging STP I’ve finally successfully uploaded and submitted our first STP. - checked ABN Lookup Name - went into reckon, company, company information - corrected company name and legal name exactly how it is on ABN Lookup and took note it is Case sensitive spaces and dots (we had dots after pty and ltd), blank for branch (didn’t know what it was/don’t have one) - went back to employees, process single touch payroll, saved a new file - signed in to Reckon GovConnect and corrected the name and address exactly the same - uploaded the file and pressed Submit and finally lodged successfully Thank you to everyone who put in their bit of information which helped me through it. Much appreciated. Hope all of you succeed too. Best Regards Kathy1
Why is it that a simple matching process is so hard. Why can't Reckon display the correct name on the screen. I have tried everything and I am stumped. Please reckon display the name on the screen and let's stop the guessing game.0
Hi Jim,
Did you take a look at the help article in the earlier posts from myself and and John G.
It provides all the info you need to know in regard to the format and matching requirements for the legal name.0 -
Try all Uppercase as this how our names appear in the ATO tax portal. It worked for both my companies.0
Thank you all so much for all your comments, finally managed to upload first STP file after trying several of the above hints, I think my issue was leaving the branch number in the company info in Reckon desktop, once i removed this it uploaded without issue.0
Hi, Did you find a solution for your problem Glynis, I have the same problem our company name is to long as well.0
Hi Leanne
To successfully create and upload an STP file when the legal name is too long
1. Edit the name in Reckon portal so that it is no longer than the maximum characters (59 characters) and also edit the name in Caps Lock.
2. Copy and paste the edited Reckon portal name into the Reckon Company Info Legal name field.
3. Re-create the STP file and upload.
Hope this helps
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Hi John
I tried to update the legal name exactly like in the ABN lookup but I also failed to upload the STP.
Really frustrated and I don't know who to call to get support!