Help Please! I've lost all of my reconcilliations for 2 years.

Kristy Gunn
Kristy Gunn Member Posts: 9 Novice Member Novice Member
edited October 2024 in Accounts Hosted
I'm using Reckon Accounts Hosted Online helping my neighbour with his book work. I've been reconciling frequently but the last time I checked (and after restarting on multiple occasions) the last reconciliation date shows as 31/12/2016. I've been reconciling every quarter at least and also my reconciliations always end on 2nd of the month due to the statement cycle so even the last reconciliation date is confusing.

Have I undone them somehow or is there a fix to this? There is a lot of work to go back 2 years and redo everything, I'm really hooping someone knows a fix?

I've tried 'verify data' under the file menu. I'm not an expert by any means at this so any help is appreciated.

Is this something to do with reckon 2017 ending? I haven't done any transition to 2018 (as he only sporadically asks me for help). Could someone else have undone them like an accountant or possibly my neighbour (who's account I use) by mistake?


  • Linda ABC
    Linda ABC Accredited Partner Posts: 1,133 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited June 2020
    Hi Kristy - my first thought is that you are using the wrong the first thing to check is are there multiple versions of that company file on hosted... are you logging in each time with the same login details?  Has the file been shared with another Hosted user (in which case it would be moved to a shared location)... if you go to File - Open Previous Company - do you see multiple file locations?  do you remember if you have backed up at any time recently?  can you see files in your B drive on Hosted if you use the toolbox download button to look around?
  • Kristy Gunn
    Kristy Gunn Member Posts: 9 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited December 2018
    There is one listing when I go to Open Previous Company for the file located on a B: Drive (which my computer doesn't have).

    I have previously created an accountants copy and also shared the log in details with the accountant so they can do the BAS. What would this mean for me now? Where would the correct file be and does that mean all the work I've done since I first sent it to the accountant is lost?
  • Linda ABC
    Linda ABC Accredited Partner Posts: 1,133 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited December 2018
    So, when you look at the file you currently see (which doesn't have your bank recs in it) - does it say that its an Accountants Copy in brackets in the bar across the top of the window where the name of the company is?  if yes, then my next thought would be - are you sure you have selected the correct bank account in the Reconcile window?  If it doesn't say Accountants Copy, then that would confirm you are looking at the wrong file.  (On a side note, not sure why you would create an accountants copy if you are giving the accountant the login details?  they could just work on the live file? )

    To go hunting for other copies of the file - go to File - Open or Restore Company - then start looking methodically both in Q drive, in any shared folders you might see in Q drive, and in B drive...

    Hopefully you can find it? if you cant - ask the Accountant if they have shared the file or if they see the same thing as you see?
  • Kristy Gunn
    Kristy Gunn Member Posts: 9 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited December 2018
    It says "*Company Name * Accountants Copy Pending".

    I made the accountants file because I originally thought that was how they wanted it but it just became easier to give them the log in. I don't know that they even did anything with that accountant's copy because shortly after I created it I gave them the log in details. I've never received any amended file back.

    Can I cancel the Accountants copy? I'm assuming they just worked within the same file which is the one I'm working on now, I've never shared the file on any server, I'd have thought any changes they made would appear in mine if we weren't logged in at the same time?

  • Linda ABC
    Linda ABC Accredited Partner Posts: 1,133 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited December 2018
    ok... so sounds like this is the right company file - so... before thinking you have lost the bank recs - check if the actual transactions you entered are still there?  use the Chart of Accounts list - double click on the bank account - and look through the register - are the most recent entries there?  do they have a Tick in the column that shows they are reconciled entries? (between payment and deposit)...

    Yes, you can cancel the Accountants copy - just go to File - Accountants Copy - and choose Cancel Accountants changes...
  • Kristy Gunn
    Kristy Gunn Member Posts: 9 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited December 2018
    All entries appear to be there. They have a tick until the 31/12/2016 (which matches when it says it was last reconciled) then it has an asterisk for entries from 01/01/2017-30/06/2017. After that the box is empty for the remaining entries?
  • Linda ABC
    Linda ABC Accredited Partner Posts: 1,133 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited December 2018
    hmm.... ok - so the asterisk means that they have been ticked in a Reconcile screen but the Reconcile hasnt been finalised...  it does certainly seem like someone has undone a reconciliation?  when you gave the accountants access - did you create a new user for them to log into the datafile with?  so that you could track what they did versus what you have done?  if they are using both your hosted login and the same user login to the datafile - it will be harder to see whats happened?
  • Linda ABC
    Linda ABC Accredited Partner Posts: 1,133 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited December 2018
    now that I think about it - I wonder if the accountant has undone the reconciliations and then finalised a recon to 30.06.17 - is that the last tax return work they have done for your neighbour?  I would be going back to query them before you stress about it too much more - accountants like you to reconcile to the 30th june each year... I am thinking now that may be whats happened - provided nothings been changed - and if you have printed each reconciliation you did - it shouldnt be too hard to redo the reconciliations for each quarter?
  • Kristy Gunn
    Kristy Gunn Member Posts: 9 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited December 2018
    The accountant also did the 17-18 tax return a few months back. The previous reconciliation on 31/12/16 is unusual because I wouldn't have used that date based on the statement cycle used. It is possible they did undo them right back until december 2016 but it's strange they wouldn't tell me. I guess I'll just follow up again Monday to try to get some answers. I had to check whether they was any recovery method I could use before I redid the recs (as I -stupidly- didn't think to print the reconciliations.)
  • Linda ABC
    Linda ABC Accredited Partner Posts: 1,133 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited December 2018
    If you wanted there should at least be a backup from when the file was upgraded to 2018? You could restore this to a different name and then you could print most of the reconstruction?
  • Kristy Gunn
    Kristy Gunn Member Posts: 9 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited December 2018
    How would I find this? Does it automatically back up? Transferring to 2018 was on my to do list but one day I logged in and it was already transitioned there.
  • Linda ABC
    Linda ABC Accredited Partner Posts: 1,133 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited December 2018
    Auto backups can be setup, but if this hasnt been done - then it wouldnt have happened - but whoever opened the file first with 2018 - would have done a backup when it upgraded... the default location for that backup is the B drive - if you are all using the same Hosted login - then you would all be looking at the same B drive - so that would be the first place I would look for a backup file?  Choose Open or Restore a company file from the File menu - navigate to B drive and then look at what files you can see there - and their dates... if you find a recent one - restore it to either a different location or with a different name (or both) so you dont overwrite the existing file - then go looking in that restored file for the Reconciliation reports.
  • Kristy Gunn
    Kristy Gunn Member Posts: 9 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited December 2018
    The earliest back up also has the last reconciliation date as 2 years ago. The backup was dated in February this year. I guess that means I'm out of options and need to redo the recs?
  • Linda ABC
    Linda ABC Accredited Partner Posts: 1,133 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited December 2018
    Hi Kristy - all of that makes no sense to me - as there should be a backup somewhere from when the 2018 upgrade was done - which would have been June or July?  are you sure everyone who is accessing the file is using the same login ID?  is there possibly a 2nd login ID that someone else could be using - that would be storing a later backup?  Maybe a call to Tech support could help you locate the most recent backup?
  • Shane Musarra
    Shane Musarra Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited December 2018
    The new update to Reckon One wiped out all my reconciliations as well :( Years of work just lost
  • Kristy Gunn
    Kristy Gunn Member Posts: 9 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited December 2018
    There are no more log ins, I don't know how the upgrade was done, one time I logged in and it was 2017 and the next time I logged in it was 2018?
  • Kristy Gunn
    Kristy Gunn Member Posts: 9 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited December 2018
    Have you had any success getting the lost work back?
  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,649 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited December 2018
    Hi Kristy,
    What you might be referring to is you reached the end date of Reckon Accounts Hosted 2017 and then had to upgrade to 2018.
    Regardless however, during the upgrade it is a mandatory step in the process to backup your file. I think it might be best to give us a buzz on 1300 799 150 so a technician can take a closer look into this with you.
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