"QIN" and 'Qil" files what bare they???
Member Posts: 5 Reckoner
I have to Quicken files "QIN" and "QIL" which have a different name to the main "QDF" file. Does that matter or should I rename theses 2 files
I am assuming you are referring to Reckon Personal Plus (RPP)
.QIN is a known file although .QIL might not be.
In my RPP database I have 7 different file extensions : (.QDF, .QPH, .HCX, .IDX, .QEL, .QIN, .QTX)
I assume all are important, although I don't know if some of the smaller files can be re-generated from the main .QDF database file.
It would be good if we knew more about these files. Most/all are "binary" files but there is limited/none information about these files that could assist with recovering information from them, should the files be corrupted or Reckon/Quicken are unable to support our data.
As users, this should be a serious concern for the future that our data may one day be lost !
There is also a .QIF text file that is used for transferring data. This file format is actually documented (see Wikipedia), although this file format is not easy to read or generate.
There is some information regarding the structure of the .QPH file, which stores the share price history file. There are some 3rd party sources for retrieving and re-generating the data when this file becomes corrupted, eg www.reltan.com/. I have also developed a program to read the .QPH file and create a .csv file of missing data that is available from ASX historical data sites or eg Comsec. This covers the days that RPP download failed or I missed the 7-day "window of opportunity" for downloads, which has been often over the last few years.
As RPP users, we should be lobbying for some data protection and publically available information on how our data is stored in these databases.
Reckon should be providing some comment to this and hopefully reassuring us that our data has some future security.
Reckon should also provide a utility that can export these files to a .csv text file format and also regenerate the database files from these corrected .csv files. This robustness could be essential in the future.
I hope there can be some support for this ?
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.QTX is an old file (2015). It could relate to currency conversion data, as I see a lot of Euro symbols, but that could be anything !
I certainly won't be deleting any of the files, as then if RPP stops working, how could it recover. There could also be settings in the registry or in C:\Program Files (x86) which would need to be corrected ?0 -
QIN = GST on investemnts (claimable / non-claimable)
QEL = to do with Electronic Banking (not fully utilised in AU version)
Regards, Robyn Kelly0 -
If they are claiming the GST on the brokerage usaully is why you would separate claimable / non-claimable. I have never actually looked at the file itself to see what it shows, but hopefully that makes sense? Usually it would only be a business whos primary role is trading in shares that can claim GST on the brokerage; but this is out of scope for me as a BAS Agent and there is plenty of info on the ATO about that. Just explaining why / why you wouldn't claim the GST on the brokerage.0
Where can I find a list of Reckon filetypes and their functions
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