Customise the remittance advice.

Rhodes Biloela Pty Ltd
Rhodes Biloela Pty Ltd Member Posts: 46 Novice Member Novice Member
edited October 2024 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)

I am using reckon accounts premier desktop - newest version. 

We have recently changed our company structure and so I am updating the forms in our database to reflect new information. I noticed that the remittance advice now doesn't generate with our ABN at all and the business name doesn't look right. 

CAN - I customise the remittance advice so I can correct these issues?  and if so, 

WHERE  - do I find the remittance template in the system to make these changes? Can I just amend the existing template like you do with other forms such as invoices or do I need to create a template from scratch?

I already had a look in the manage templates screen when updating the invoices etc and I didn't see one for remittances listed. 

Thank you. 


  • John Graetz
    John Graetz Member Posts: 1,663 Reckon Star Reckon Star
    edited July 2020
    Have you looked under Lists > Templates> Supplier Remittance Advice?
    John L G
  • Rhodes Biloela Pty Ltd
    Rhodes Biloela Pty Ltd Member Posts: 46 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited October 2019
    Thank you John. I don't know where my head was at last week!!

    Thank you for answering this for me. I really appreciate it.

  • John Graetz
    John Graetz Member Posts: 1,663 Reckon Star Reckon Star
    edited October 2019
    Pleased to hear that you found it (and your head as well)!!
    John L G
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