Working from Home : Process your Bills fully automated-Free 500 PDFs

Reckon Developer Partner Posts: 1,125 Reckon Legend

Cosmic is offering for all struggling business owners, if you are working from home due to corona virus requirements, FREE to scan 500 pdfs or bills into your Reckon Hosted data file or Reckon Accounts .
500 PDF will last you for more than 6 months
Register at
You will need some assistance to configure your data file path, we can help you in this
Just call me on 0407068942 , Chandra
500 PDF will last you for more than 6 months
Register at
You will need some assistance to configure your data file path, we can help you in this
Just call me on 0407068942 , Chandra
Cosmic Accounting Group
Accountants and Tax Agents 22397009