Reconciliation / Cleared Balance / Statement Ending Balance problem

Jennifer Murray
Member Posts: 2 Novice Member

I currently use Reckon Home and Business 2017 and have records from earlier Quicken versions in the file (starting 1/7/2009). I thought that I had successfully dealt with a reconciliation nightmare associated with a 'Reckon' Credit account. I was reconciling my Credit account alongside my paper credit card statement, statement period by statement period. Everything appeared correct including the 'Cleared Balance' and 'Statement Ending Balance' resulting in a Difference of $0.00 as would be expected in a successful reconciliation. The transactions were reflecting 'R'. A number of statements were successfully reconciled and then exited. I have a number of months still to reconcile. In attempting the next statement reconciliation, I find that I have a Cleared Balance amount, a Statement Ending amount of $0.00 with the Difference being the 'Cleared Balance amount'. There is no amount in the Payments column that matches the 'Cleared Balance amount'. There is an amount that should have been handled through the reconciliation activities but it remains in the payment column.That amount does not match the Difference Amount and whilst in the ballpark it is $598.71 less than the "Difference Amount'. I can only presume that something has been corrupted at some point when I've last exited. Is there any way of tricking the 'Cleared Balance / Difference amounts' or resetting. I have previously 'backed out' reconciliations, especially when there are lots of transactions being reconciled as Reckon seems to be incorrectly calculating during the process if you are too fast in processing. I am prepared to go down that route on this occasion if it would make sense. Any assistance or guidance would be very much appreciated. Thanks.
You should be able to look for a reconciliation discrepancies report to shed some light on it - maybe1
Hi Kris, Thank you for the suggestion of a reconciliation discrepancies report. I have never used the Reconciliation report feature in the Reports and Graphs center. At first glance, the report doesn't appear to be highlighting any anomalies in the Credit Account.0
If you put in the correct closing balance as at the date you last reconciled and Tick anything you believe should have been cleared, is the balance zero?0