Can I change employee number and not cause issues with STP?

Brooke Member Posts: 19 Reckoner Reckoner
edited June 2020 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
We are about to change timesheet systems and I need to update employee numbers in Reckon to include letters and numbers.  Does anyone know if changing employee numbers causes any issues with STP reporting?


  • Brooke
    Brooke Member Posts: 19 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited June 2020
    Anyone able to help out there? I haven't received any response..... Thanks :)

  • Brooke
    Brooke Member Posts: 19 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited June 2020
    I ended up phoning the Reckon helpline, they tell me I can't make any changes as it will cause issues - could duplicate employee information? If anyone has any experience with this, I'd appreciate your insight to confirm!