Reckon One UPDATE - Inviting employees to your Reckon One book

Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,720 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
edited August 2020 in Reckon One
Hi everyone
Reckon One has just been updated with a new feature which allows you to invite your employees directly from within your Reckon One book.
This is especially useful if you have employees that need to enter timesheets, raise expense claims as well as view & print their own pay slips.

Employee invitation makes the process much easier for your employees to setup their Reckon Portal account and access the functions you provide them permission to from your Reckon One book.

Employee Invitation is available on Employee ExpensesPayroll and Time modules.

Check out our help guide and how-to video below for full info on how to invite your employees to your Reckon One book -

HELP GUIDE: Inviting your employees to your Reckon One book