2020 windows 10 firewall issue

Brendan Hunt: Consider using the CONTROL PANEL to system firewall menus to reach a screen that shows tin Windows Defender Firewall INBOUND RULES. (Do a windows 10 SEARCH for 'Defender' For the 2020 version, there port number is 10183. But I'll illustrate a couple of things here. There are quite a few that need to be setup: This old article will give you the idea: https://help.reckon.com/article/enblspc3sq-kba-3626-errors-h-101-h-202-h-303-h-505-61770-61230-6000-80-83-on-network-environment
- FileManagement.exe
- QBDBMgr.exe
- QBDBMgrN.exe
- QBGDSPlugin.exe
- QBW32.exe
In C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intuit\QuickBooks or ReckonAccounts:
(same directory for Accounts Business 2020)
- QBCFMonitorService.exe
- QBUpdate.exe
Hope that's a start to help you
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One stopped wondering a long time ago. LOL1
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Hi Brendan / Reckon Community members,
I am just new to Reckon, and I am little bit lost in terms of having 2 computers connecting to the same company files (multi-user mode). I have 2 windows 10 computers. No firewall device (just a regular telstra modem).
This would be the one I would be needing to do, right? so that the 2 computers can connect smoothly?
Do i have to do both Inbound Rules and Outbound Rules.....
Also, do i have to do in both workstations (the one hosting the company files, and the one connecting)
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You only need to adjust the setting for the 'Windows Defender Firewall (part of Win10) on the MAIN computer that is controlling the physical storage of, and the sharing of, the company DATA files. And you only need to adjust (add a rule) for INCOMING rules on that machine.
Port number for 2022 will be 10185
quick update: I observe in your question you were dealing with older 2020 version, so port would be 10183.
(the port number increases by one, each year - so it's important to consider the year of software revision in question)
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Thank you, Gary, for the reply.
Noted, I only have to adjust settings for the "MAIN" computer (the one hosting the company files).
I am using AR 2021, the port number i am using is 10184. Would this be the right settings?
protocol type: UDP
Protocol number: 17
local port: 10184
Remote Port: All Ports
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I've typically set two rules: your one for UDP, plus one for TCP too (can't recall which one is in fact needed). Port is right for 2021: 10184