Trial balance does not balance

Hi there
My trial balance has not balanced since 30th June 2017. Note we did install a Point of Sale at about this time. The Net assets also does not equal the net equity by the same amount. I would appreciate any support to fix this problem.
Have you tried a rebuild of data?
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Yes I have. Doesn't make any difference.
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Actually I responded to you on a previous post, but what program is it Reckon Hosted?
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Reckon Accounts Plus 2020 desktop version. I have been using Quickbooks and reckon for years and I think my data file is too big. I am thinking about creating a new company file. We are no longer using the point of sale program as we have stopped selling inventory
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As it’s not Hosted I couldn’t log on, I am more than happy to look at the file though if you wanted to send me a backup. I can tell you how to send large files if you decide to go ahead and don’t know how
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What do you charge? In 2017-18 it is out by $0.50 but in 2018-19 it goes out by $265.94 and is still out by that much now
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I won’t charge anything, that’s the idea of this community blog - to help each other
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That would be great if you could tell me how to send a large file. Also if you had any idea of how I can reduce the file size so retorts
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Not easy to reduce file size, I can have a look at that as well. How big is your backup?
backup your file
go to we No need to sign up or pay, use free version
follow screens to add your backup file
put your email address and mine in relevant place and then click send
dont close the window until it has finished uploading
you can call me if necessary. 0415940843
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sorry... so reports load faster (particular the BAS)
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I knew what you meant. As I said not a lot can be done except to start a new file, I can also advise you on that once I have looked at it. How many years have you been using it?
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I think it would be 25 years plus
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Problem sorted, give me a call 0415940843