Jobkeeper Tier1 and Tier 2

Member Posts: 3,768 Reckon Accounts Hosted Elite Expert

if the pay for the first fortnight of Jobkeeper 2 has been paid and lodged, can the pay items as above be entered in the next week of pays or do I have to enter in w/e 9/10 and resubmit STP?
I realise the topup can be paid in the next week but does the actual registration (Tier 1 and Tier2) have to go in the correct fortnight?
Just checked in about your question and the recommendation here is to create an Update Event for the previous submission so that the tier codes are entered.
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Thanks so much Rav
in addition to extending the time for editing posts - which I see you have done, I would like to be able to enter a quick thank you sometimes, like now, and not have to have a minimum number of characters