Reckon Accounts desktop - Reckon will make it read-only access

K Cossey
K Cossey Member Posts: 21 Reckoner Reckoner

We use Reckon Accounts Plus 2016 and have a lifetime license. We have been emailed recently from Reckon saying "From 30th April 2021 you will no longer be able to re-activate or re-register your Reckon Accounts desktop software and will have read-only access." They want to force us to upgrade to a subscription. We purchased an outright license, and now they say the will disable it to read only as from 30th April! How can Reckon feel this is ethical or at least an acceptable action? Any suggestions? Any alternative products we should look at?

Has anyone else had an email like this?

They say a "non-supported version of Reckon Accounts it can be a liability" well that should be up to us to decide if we want to carry the risk rather than have Reckon disable our software and force us to pay a yearly subscription. Even Microsoft Software allows you to keep using old software purchased outright even if it is out-of-date. Its fauldant to sell an outright license for a product and then 5 years later to disable it! I am thinking it might be written into the code and intentional from the start, that they design it like this and know full well when they sell the lifetime license that it will only work for 5 years.

Is there a way around this? Is the disable (read-only) action based on a date time stamp stored on the computer?

Thanks for your help or suggestions. Karen.


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,732 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi Karen,

    I responded to your other comment prior to seeing this discussion regardless, have you been in touch with our team yet so we can have a chat about some options for you moving forward? If not when you've got a moment, please give us a buzz on 1300 856 527 as we'd love to have a chat.

  • alhamco
    alhamco Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member

    Same here. Can I purchase a download that will handle my files for 3 entities without hassle.

  • chaimw
    chaimw Member Posts: 6 Novice Member Novice Member

    I realise now what I've been doing wrong all these years, I thought that once a customer paid the agreed price for a product it was theirs. I'll be emailing all of my previous customers today to tell them that unless they pay me again I'm going to destroy the product they bought from me.

    I mentioned this to a few of my acquaintances and they were surprised I wasn't already doing it, they said it's being going on for years ... what did they call it again ? ... protection racket ... that's it.

  • Kris_Williams
    Kris_Williams Member Posts: 3,761 Reckon Accounts Hosted Elite Expert Reckon Accounts Hosted Expert

    Totally agree with you, if you can spare a minute could you call me
