Pay Roll Accrual Issue

273smithfamily Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member
edited February 2021 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)

Hi I'm new to this group so sorry if my questions seem silly. I have just set up two new employees on my Reckon One desk top 2020 version and the pay roll items - ie RDO, Personal Leave etc are not accruing or subtracting when being used. I have other employees and everything appears to be exactly the same.

Another problem that has only just happened (was fine previous months) is when I go to do related payment activities, create custom liabilities my super no longer appears. I have no idea what I have done and would much appreciate any advice you can offer.

Many thanks for reading


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,728 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @273smithfamily, welcome to the Reckon Community.

    I'd just like to clarify, are you using Reckon One (as this post has been created in) or are you using Reckon Accounts Desktop 2020?

    Just wanted to confirm, as you've mentioned both Reckon One and also Desktop 2020 in your opening post which are two different software.

  • 273smithfamily
    273smithfamily Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member

    Hi it is Reckon Desktop 2020

  • 273smithfamily
    273smithfamily Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member

    Hi again, I am home now and just checked. It says Reckon Accounts Plus 2020

    Would much appreciate your help if you can.