Error codes (-6000,-83).

AccountsWyatt Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member

Software: Reckon Accounts: Premier: Contractor Edition 2020

OS: Windows 10

We had an issue where we lost connection from all computers to the shared folder where all our QBW files are held.

We restored the connection and one of our computers is able to access everything from the host PC like before. Another of our computers however is able to access one QBW file normally but when trying to access another, we get the following error message:

An error occurred when Reckon Accounts tried to access the company file. Please try again if the problem persists, contact Reckon Technical Support and provide them with the following error codes: (-6000,-83).

Both the file we can access and the file we can't are located in the same folder.

I have tried turning off local firewalls.

The accessing computer has full write permissions over the folder.

We have tried using both the admin account and another account that has permissions to access the QBW file.


  • Acctd4
    Acctd4 Accredited Partner Posts: 3,867 Reckon Accounts Hosted Elite Expert Reckon Accounts Hosted Expert

    The technical side isn’t really my area but it sounds like a classic multi installation setup issue.

    Reckon has very specific instructions for configuration depending on your network setup which many people (particularly non-Reckon-familiar IT people!) don’t bother to check on. Instead they often set it up a standard way for all software but this usually causes a lot of access issues if it’s not done as recommended.

    Shaz Hughes Dip(Fin) ACQ NSW, MICB

    *** Reckon Accredited Partner (AP) Bookkeeper - specialising EXCLUSIVELY in Reckon Accounts / Hosted ! ***

    * Regd BAS Agent (No: 92314 015)* ICB-Certified Bookkeeper* Snr Seasonal Tax Consultant since 2003 *

    Accounted 4 Bookkeeping Services

    Ballajura, WA

    (NB: Please give my post a Like or mark as Accepted Answer if I have been able to resolve your query as this helps others when seeking solutions!)