fonts too small on bank accounts etc

252458 Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member

good morning,

have just had windows 10 installed on my computer. Now the font on the bank accounts and bills and cheques etc is too small. know how to increase font through windows settings but this only increases the size of the tool bar across the top of the reckon window not the actual accounts themselves - going blind here - help!!!!!!


  • John Graetz
    John Graetz Member Posts: 1,663 Reckon Star Reckon Star
    edited July 2021

    The only way that I am aware that you can do something about this when using the desktop version, is to do this:

    1. Go to the Windows Settings App (hit the windows key and type Settings
    2. Go to Display
    3. You can say change the Scale and layout. You then have the option of changing from the likely 100% (Recommended) scale to say the 125% scale. This will definitely change your view for the Desktop version, but it will also magnify everything else as well, but this is workable, particularly if you decided to just use Reckon for a period of time to do your work. Just underneath this box you will find Advanced Scaling Settings where you can set your own incrementsa.
    4. You can also play around with the Display Resolution and see what that can do for you. Again, this will change things everywhere.
    5. There is also another shorter method which I have just discovered. Go to Edit> Preferences> Desktop View> and then under Windows Settings, click on Display. This will also bring you to the Display Settings as detailed above. To me this is a far better way to do it.

    John L G

  • 252458
    252458 Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member

    Hi John

    thanks for that- had to set it to 175% for it be be readable without squinting!! also had to shut down computer and restart before it really made any difference. strangely enough when I shut down the previous day it was still too small. but the following day when I logged onto my computer the changes had taken place?????

    anyway alls well as ends well!

  • John Graetz
    John Graetz Member Posts: 1,663 Reckon Star Reckon Star

    A successful end result makes all the difference. Glad that it worked out well for you in the end.

    John L G