Adding Salary Sacrifice item

1192293 Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member
edited August 2021 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)

I work with Reckon Accounts Premier Edition 2021 and I have discovered an issue with my salary sacrifice item in my PAYG summary for last financial year. It looks like the SS deduction is not coming of the gross figure so the employees tax is not correct, Can you please advise me on how to set up a salary sacrifice item that will deduct this from the gross prior to the tax being calculated. I have just started at this position so have not been the one to set up the original items.


  • swakhlu01 .
    swakhlu01 . Member Posts: 482 Reckon Star Reckon Star

    @1192293 If this query is for the Reckon Accounts Premier then it is posted in the incorrect category of Reckon Payroll App. However, the calculations for Tax with SS in Reckon Payroll App seems to be ok.