Customer Statements not showing Current Balance

Member Posts: 2 Novice Member

We are not able to get our Customer Statements to show a current balance. The aging is correct for Due 30 days, Due 60 Days, Due 90 Days & Total Due but we cannot find a way to make the statement show the current amount due. I have attached a statement to give an example - no October invoice amounts are showing under CURRENT. Help here please how we can change this?
Hi Jess
I think the issue may be this setting in your Company Preferences here:
It looks like you may have it currently set to "Age from transaction date" instead ?
(To access the above, click on Edit (along top toolbar) then on Preferences in the dropdown menu 😁 )
Shaz Hughes Dip(Fin) ACQ NSW, MICB
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Ballajura, WA
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