STP submitted twice

In October this year a payrun was submitted then an error was found and it was corrected and resubmitted, unfortunately now the totals with the ATO are out the amounts on the first payrun. I have no idea how to fix this.
Each time you submit an STP Pay Event, the YTD balances are just updated/overwritten so if your STP balances are now out by this extra amount, that would suggest that rather than correcting the original Paycheque, another Paycheque was created.
Have a look at all the Paycheques for the employee in RA & I suspect you will find a additional duplicate. If so, delete the duplicate Paycheque & this will correct the YTD balances & therefore your STP figures ☺️
Shaz Hughes Dip(Fin) ACQ NSW, MICB
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