ETP Set Up

Hi- How do I set up & process ETP's in Reckon Accounts Enterprise:2023 - many thanks
Hello @MSCnici ,
We have a guide on setting up ETP and Lump Sum items, and processing termination payruns.
You can find it here:
Kind regards,
Alexander McKeown
Reckon Senior Technical Support
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@MSCnici Unfortunately, the Reckon guide above is quite old & doesn't reflect the current STP2 configurations 😬
Termination payments can be quite complex & the specifics are determined by various scenarios including how old the employee is, how long they have worked for you & whether their role has been made redundant or not.
NOTE: Unused Annual or Long Service Leave payouts & tax-free components of genuine redundancies are never ETPs but are shown at Lump Sum labels instead.
You can find ETP info on the ATO website here:
Feel free to reach out to me direct if you feel you need specific assistance 😊
Shaz Hughes Dip(Fin) ACQ NSW, MICB
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