#TipTuesday - Reckon Accounts Hosted - Top Troubleshooting Tips 🛠️

Alexis McKeown
Alexis McKeown Reckon Staff Posts: 484 Reckon Staff

Greetings everyone! Stay a while and listen.

Today's #TipTuesday is all about the top tips we have around troubleshooting to make your experience with Reckon Accounts Hosted as smooth as possible.

Having been around for 6+ years in the Senior Technical Support role has given me a range of tips I can share for almost every common issue you may face in Reckon Accounts Hosted.

Tip 1: Sharing Company Files!

Sharing company files in Reckon Accounts Hosted is a common call-in. It can be a bit tricky at first - but we have a full, in-depth, comprehensive guide on sharing files right here on our community:

#TipTuesday: How to Share and Unshare Company Files

Tip 2: My screen's stuck!

If you've been in Reckon Accounts Hosted for a while, doing some emails or running some Reports, you may experience a small error where you can't click on anything, or none of the buttons/file menu options function.

There's a universal fix to this issue:

In Hosted, press Left Alt and PageUp at the same time.

The Left Alt Key (or Left Alternate key) is located on the left of the Space Bar.

The PageUp key, or the Page Up button, is next to the Home and PageDown keys, located usually above the arrow keys on your keyboard, and on the left of your numpad on standard QWERTY keyboard layouts.

On Laptop keyboards, if this combination does not work, you may need to also press your Fn (or Function) key at the same time.

Pressing these two keys together should bring up the "In-App Window List", showing you any windows Reckon Accounts Hosted has open. You will need to move to any other window and finish any action that appears (eg. if you have an email pending, you will need to Send the email before you can continue actions in Hosted).

This is due to Hosted's email previews taking priority over Hosted itself - this email preview, however, can get stuck behind Hosted on a mis-click. As such, using Alt + PageUp will return it to the front, where you can complete any pending action, and restore Hosted's functionality.

Tip 3: When I print, it does not create a PDF/Send form to my printer!

When printing Invoices or Bills, you may experience an oddity where Reckon Accounts Hosted goes to print the form, but does not send it to your printer, or does not open with the PDF copy of the transaction to print.

This is due to Popups being blocked in your web browser.

Reckon Accounts Hosted requires popups to be enabled both by your web browser and/or any popup blockers you may have in order to print to PDF.

You can review our guide on enabling popups on your web browser here:


Every web browser has its own unique way of enabling Popups in Reckon Accounts Hosted, so ensure that you read through our article to find how to handle it in your browser.

Tip 4: Username confusion!

Reckon Accounts Hosted often has two sets of logins - one to access Reckon Accounts Hosted's Dashboard (where you see Launch Accounts 2024 and Control Panel), and one when you've launched Reckon Accounts Hosted to access your Company File.

To separate the two:

Your Reckon Accounts Hosted Username is used for this screen here:

And your Company File username is used when you open a company file and are presented with a login prompt:

Your Company File login is created by the Company File Admin, whereas your Reckon Accounts Hosted login is created when you first sign-in to your Reckon Accounts Hosted account.

Tip 5: Backups in Hosted!

Contrary to popular belief, Reckon Accounts Hosted does not backup your files automatically for you.

We take a copy of our file servers daily in the event of sudden outages or corruptions so that your data is always safe, however, this does not constitute a full in-product backup.

Depending on the size and age of your company file, you should take backups once every week to once every fortnight to ensure your company file's data remains safe, secure, and most importantly, quick to access.

Backups in Reckon Accounts Hosted are stored in your B:\ drive, as opposed to Company Files existing on the Q:\ drive. All Backups (both Full backups (QBB's) and Portable Backups (QBM's).

When you restore a Backup file, it creates a copy of your company file at the time of backup to your Q:\ Drive.

Be sure when sharing files that, if you restore a backup, you either move this restored file to your Shared Folder, or restore the backup directly inside your Shared Folder.

Tip 6: Moving Files, Renaming Files, and Deleting Files!

If you find your Q:\ drive starting to get a bit full of older data, there's a few things you can do:

  1. Move Files into other folders;
  2. Rename Files to differentiate them;
  3. Delete Files you no longer need.

Most of these actions can be performed through the Ericom AccessNow File Download window, which allows you to view all files on your Reckon Accounts Hosted drives. To access this window, simply click on the Red Toolbox icon, then on the Down Arrow that appears after clicking it, then select the Download Files icon:





When inside of the File Download window opened, you can do the following:

To Move a file:

  1. Right-click on the NAME of a file.
  2. Press Control and X at the same time.
  3. Left-Click into the Folder you want to move the file to.
  4. Press Control and V at the same time.

This will Cut and Paste the file off of your Q:\ Drive and into a folder.

To Rename a file:

  1. Right-click on the NAME of a file.
  2. Press F2 on your Keyboard.
    1. For Laptop users, you may need to press Fn (Function) and F2 at the same time.
  3. Rename your company file. A file's new name CANNOT contain special characters.
  4. Press Enter when you're done to Rename your file.

Renamed Company Files will need to be manually opened after you rename them, else you will get an error.

To Delete a file:

  2. Press Control and D at the same time.
  3. You will be given a confirmation before you can delete it. BE SURE THIS IS THE FILE YOU WANT TO DELETE. DELETED FILES CANNOT BE RESTORED BY ANY MEANS.
  4. Once the file is deleted, you can close the Ericom AccessNow File Download.

Tip 7: Uploading and Downloading files!

Using the menu from before, you can use the File Download to download any file off of Reckon Accounts Hosted to your Downloads folder by Left-Clicking on any file.

To Upload Files, you can use the Upload Files button from the same menu to upload any file into Reckon Accounts Hosted.

All uploaded files will go to Q:\Upload\.

If you upload a Reckon Accounts Company File, it will automatically be moved to the Q:\ Drive after upload.

If you upload a Reckon Accounts Backup File (or Portable Backup File), it will automatically be moved to the B:\ Drive after upload.

Files have a 4GB maximum when it comes to uploads. Files that upload may take 5-10 minutes to appear in the Upload folder after the initial upload completes, depending on size of the file, and your upload speed.

Further help:

If you still have issues, you can always consult our Help Website here:


If you are having more accounting-based issues, you can reach out to one of our Accredited or Professional Partners here:


And finally, if you are having major technical issues that this tip guide does not cover, you can submit a support ticket here:
