Cannot Print to PDF, Cannot Email

Gavin Fairclough
Gavin Fairclough Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member
edited October 2024 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
Hi guys,

I recently upgrade my entire workstation. I have a brand new computer, with Windows 10, Office 16 and we even updated our Reckon to Premier 2014! (from xp, 2010 & 2013)

When we first launched it, we were unable to print to PDF or email anything. We had it fixed to the point where it would save a PDF at least, but that was the extent. 
It was giving us the following error:
"MAPI error code 00000000 at line 921 in sendemail.cpp"

We had another go at fixing it yesterday and frankly made it worse.

We followed: which gained it's info from

However that put us back to square one. Can't even save a PDF. This is hampering my daily business a heap
I have some screenshots of it's current reaction to hitting the email button.


This is the same error we got on day 1 of this computer.

Before we got it to save a PDF we even started again, reformatted and reinstalled everything. still no dice.

My colleague got it to save to PDF by deleting two files from localdata, stopping a print service in task manager and restarting it. However after me following the guide I linked above, that trick doesn't work.

Please help!


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  • Toni Jamieson
    Toni Jamieson Member Posts: 27 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited July 2016


    Just reading this and looking at what you have upgraded to I would expect that you would need to upgrade to Reckon 2016 because Windows 10 isn't fully compatible with Reckon 2014...

    Good luck!

  • Margaret Sleigh
    Margaret Sleigh Member Posts: 14 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited February 2017
    You might get a bit of help by calling up the properties of Reckon and telling it to run as windows 8 compatible but really you need to upgrade to 2016. I will refrain from my usual rant about this. Suffice to say I am very unimpressed with Reckon accounts. They should write patches for those programs so they will work. I know they want us to buy 2016 but when you buy an accounting program you should be able to use it for more than a year. Also, just quietly I think this business where they rely on their users to help one another is another cheapskate thing. How would it be if you just set up a website and told your clients that if they have any problems with their tax etc they can just ask each other? It is RECKON'S job to assist their users not the users' job to help one another.
  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 13,569 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited December 2016

    The purpose of an online community is to provide a digital medium where users, Reckon staff and Partners among others can come together to ask questions, discuss ideas and engage with each other. It is indeed a peer to peer support platform however there is always a Reckon presence on this Community, and is only one avenue of support we have on offer as a business. 

    With the uptake in social media, the expectation of readily available information and support an online community provides an excellent platform to deliver this and you'll find online communities and social media engagement has become standard among the majority of businesses.

  • Gavin Fairclough
    Gavin Fairclough Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited July 2016
    I was afraid of that. hah.
  • Gavin Fairclough
    Gavin Fairclough Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited July 2016
    oh happy day! haha thanks, I was afraid that was the answer. interesting sales tactic, I'll give it that!
  • Gavin Fairclough
    Gavin Fairclough Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited July 2016
    Backwards compatibility would be something I would expect for around 5 years.. I have 2 year old software that won't fully function on an OS coming up to a year old.

    Mildly average.
  • Margaret Sleigh
    Margaret Sleigh Member Posts: 14 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited July 2016
    I accept your comments about the value of an online community but I believe that this issue of the printing and email problems is not one that should be dealt with by that community. It is one that should be handled by Reckon. Handled and resolved. I have spent hours trying to resolve the issue. When you have been sitting at a computer in frustration doing all the things such as Gavin has done trying desperately to find a solution, when your head aches, your back aches and you are worried sick about the hours wasted that you cannot bill a client for, when you are worried because you may have suggested to the client that they purchase this program in the first place, when you are worried because they have thousands of dollars worth of invoices that they cannot send out - they can't even print and post them , knowing that they will not last long in business if you cannot resolve this issue, well you do not think very kindly of Reckon I can tell you. You feel utterly let down and betrayed. , 
  • Caleb Donald_8336184
    Caleb Donald_8336184 Member Posts: 24 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited February 2017
    Will 2016 reckon accounts enterpise edition work on windows 7
    Will we lose any functionality upgrading?
    What are the benefits of the 2016 model ?
  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 13,569 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited December 2016
    Question requires new thread Please reference the new conversation here: RA 2016 benefits & Windows 7 compatibility
This discussion has been closed.