How do i add the service date to an invoice line item?

Catalyst Painting Solutions
Catalyst Painting Solutions Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member
edited July 2019 in Reckon One
As we are a service based company, is there a way to add the service date to a line item on an invoice?


  • John G
    John G Reckon Staff Posts: 1,570 Reckon Staff
    edited May 2019
    Hi Ron,

    Welcome to the Reckon Community and great to hear you using Reckon One.  

    There is no special provision for a separate Service Date on a line item on an invoice.  
    As a workaround, you can enter the Service Date in the Description field.

    It's a good idea so I'll pass it on to our Product Managers to consider for a future update.  


  • Scott_6428906
    Scott_6428906 Reckon Staff Posts: 75 Reckon Staff
    edited July 2019
    Hi Rod,

    Excuse my late edition to this post.

    When adding a service item to an invoice, the default service item description (assuming that a default sales description has been setup for the service item) will show in the description field for the applicable invoice line. This description field is editable, so as John suggested you can modify the default description shown to include the service date. Another option is to include a memo line directly beneath the invoice line where you require a service date & use the memo line to include the service date. A memo line is basically an invoice line that only has a description entered.

  • Kay Laws Accredited
    Kay Laws Accredited Member Posts: 72 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited March 2017
    Hi Rod, In addition to suggestions from John & Scott you can customise your invoice template to add service date column. Go to Lists>Templates>select your invoice template > Additional Customisation >columns Tick the service date box, you can select screen, print or both. Screen will enable you to see service date on your screen when generating an invoice though will not be displayed on your printed invoice. By selecting print this will display on your printed invoice. My advice would be to select both screen & print. You also have the option to change the order your columns are displayed on your invoice by changing the number of the column in the order box. Select ok when you have made your changes. Hope this helps Kind Regards Kay
  • Scott_6428906
    Scott_6428906 Reckon Staff Posts: 75 Reckon Staff
    edited July 2019
    Hi guys, One extra thing to note relating to Kay's comments. Kay is referring to the Reckon Accounts application. The Reckon One application doesn't have these options available. Regards, Scott.
  • Kay Laws Accredited
    Kay Laws Accredited Member Posts: 72 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited March 2017
    My apologies Scott, oversite on my behalf
  • Luke William Rowlinson
    Luke William Rowlinson Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited January 2019
    Has this column for the date for each line item been added? 
    We are a service business and adding manually data that is in the system is frustrating / antiquated. 
  • Beau
    Beau Member Posts: 7 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited April 2019
    It's a good idea so I'll pass it on to our Product Managers to consider for a future update.  

    5 years is a long time to still not have made the change
  • Serehfa Strongold
    Serehfa Strongold Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited May 2019
    And all they've done is make it an option you have to pay more for...