Creating PAG summary electronic file crashes Accounts 2013

George_6983860 Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member
edited October 2024 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
We are using Accounts 2013 enterprise, Retail Edition. When I try to produce the electronic payg summary file, Accounts crashes.  I have discovered that it happens if we include employees we put on the last financial year and  it actually works if we only include employees we have had for more than a year. I cannot see any differences in the way we have set up our employees.

Any suggestions for a work around ?



  • Mirko
    Mirko Reckon Alumni Posts: 1,251 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff
    edited November 2015
    Hi George, it sounds like one of the employees that was created in the last FY is corrupted. To check which employee it is, you can check the error log.

    To bring up the error log press CRTL+1 and when the company info screen is up press CRTL+2 on your keyboard. You may see a pop up with a message, click OK and you will see:


    Then click 'Open File', select QBWINLOG and click on 'Open File' on the right hand side.

    You will see a notepad file open with some text.

    If you cannot determine which employee is corrupt from the log, it will be a step of trial and error (creating individual PAYG Summaries, when you crash on a particular employee, which indicates an error, note there maybe more than one).

    Once you determine which employee/s is/are corrupt, you would do the following.

    1. Change the employees name (as you will be recreating their record, and RA will not allow duplicate records)
    2. Create a new employee file with the 'Legal' Name.
    3.With the new record, perform a 'Year a date adjustment (totals)', so the YTD figures are correct.
    4. Make old record inactive.

  • George_6983860
    George_6983860 Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited July 2014
    Thanks Mirko but it seems that any new employees we have created since around October 2013 causes the problem.  I tried creating a "new" employee and adjusting Year a date totals and I still get the system to crash. Interestingly, previewing the PAYG Summary (individual) is fine but creating the electronic file crashes the system 
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