We have a supplier who does contract work for us and we must pay his superannuation. How do I set up
Member Posts: 18 Reckoner
We have a supplier who does contract work for us on a regular basis and thus we must pay him superannuation. How do I set up his super to take advantage of the Reckon 2014 Super update?
if you are obliged to pay super for him, as i guess you have been advised by your tax agent or ATO, then might as well pay wages in this case as an employee , and more than likely , you have to pay his workers comp too. You must take proper advise from your Tax agent first, in all theses
cases. If you have still problems , please let us know.
Cosmic Accounting Group
Accountants and Tax Agents 22397009
0 -
Sorry, not very clear with John P, but what ever, please ensure take written advise , we have been caught with these kind of situation , with ATO, had to engage Tax LAWYERS, this forum is not the place to discuss on tax matters.
Cosmic Accounting Group
Accountants and Tax Agents 22397009
0 -
Have not seen the reply from John P but thanks for your replies - have made it a lot clearer for me0
Its not irrelevant, Kevin, in these matters the client first must take advise from their Tax Accountant/ Tax Agent. Cannot say any more on this, There are certain obligations between the appointed Tax Agent and the client.
Cosmic Accounting Group
Accountants and Tax Agents 22397009
0 -
Kevin , I will call you on this matter and explain , not the forum.
Cosmic Accounting Group
Accountants and Tax Agents 22397009
0 -
Happy Friday All.
There is obviously a difference in opinion here. Let’s just leave it to the OP to contact their accountant for direct advice.
Have a good weekend.
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