report on actual leave dates taken

Kevin Maher
Kevin Maher Member Posts: 1 Reckoner Reckoner
edited September 2020 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
Hi Reckon community

Can someone please let me know if there is there a way in Reckon Accounts (the version you install on a desktop/laptop, not the hosted one) to get a report that will tell me the actual dates that an employee has taken any kind of leave?  All those I can find/modify will give me the payroll date then how may hours for whatever kind of leave was taken - which is close but no cigar...




  • Janelle Knight
    Janelle Knight Member Posts: 53 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited September 2020
    I will watch responses closely too, I actually do a manual reconciliation as I don't trust (rely on) Reckon for annual leave purely because of the inability to do a date report.   
  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,216 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited February 2017
    Hi Kevin,
    Welcome to the Reckon Community!

    Unfortunately, there isn't a direct report that outlines dates that leave was taken.

    However, you can get reports which show on which pay dates leave was taken. You can infer it from a leave accrual report or you can filter a Payroll Items detail report for your holiday items and a particular employee.


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  • thereAreNoStupidQuestions
    thereAreNoStupidQuestions Member Posts: 9 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited November 2015
    We use the Employee Organiser: Leave of Absence. It works a treat. Note we have under 10 employees though.

  • Jason Hollis
    Jason Hollis Reckon Alumni Posts: 516 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff
    edited September 2020
    Hi Kevin, Rav and everyone.

    You can get a report close to this by modifying a FastReport on Payroll Items. Select multiple payroll items (that relate to leave) and modify columns as required.

    Example report


    Example filters


    The only issue I can see is where an employee takes one day / a few hours leave; this will only tell you the pay period not the actual day as the payslip does not report days at the line (entry) level. 

    The suggestion above re the organiser is a good one as I personally use this myself.

    The other suggestion might be to use timesheets (even if you were just to report leave) and then run a timesheet report.

    Example timesheet report


    I should also add that these processes are available in both Hosted and Desktop Products (with payroll).

    Kind regards,
    Jason Hollis
  • Jason Hollis
    Jason Hollis Reckon Alumni Posts: 516 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff
    edited December 2016
    Hi Janelle, please see my suggestions below to Kevin to see if they are helpful.

    Leave taken reports will be 100% accurate as you only enter the leave that was taken. 

    However, leave accrued / leave balance should always be reconciled (depending on your calculation method) as the program cannot calculate this to the minute / second.

    To explain this to the broader community allow me to give an example:

    To accrue 4 weeks leave (per hour worked) for a 40 hr/week employee you divide 2080 (total hrs worked in a year) by 160 (total leave hours allowed per year)  ** Assumes you accrue leave while on leave.

    This gives you an accrual rate of  0.0769230769230769

    However, the software can only enter an accrual rate of up to 5 decimal places, so 0.07692

    Therefore over 52 weeks instead of accruing 160 hours of leave, the employee will accrue 52 x 40 x 0.07692 = 159.9936 hours.

    Unfortunately here at Reckon we cannot address this due to the original code designed in the US all those years ago.

    Something to be aware of, although in most cases it does not effect an employees leave availability (as you can see this rounds to 160 hours) however a reconciliation is prudent if an employee is terminated or resigns.

    Kind regards,
  • Janelle Knight
    Janelle Knight Member Posts: 53 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited November 2015
    Thanks Jason,
    I actually have all the acrruals correct in the employee set up, however when you go to actually process the holiday pay and nominate what dates it is for, my system continually tells me they don't have the accrued hours? or the fact they are salary? you can't have two salary items in the one pay?   So I just find it easier to do manually.
    Appreciate the thoughts.

  • Jason Hollis
    Jason Hollis Reckon Alumni Posts: 516 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff
    edited July 2023

    Hi Janelle,

    That doesn't occur for me so if you want us to look into this for you let me know

    As for Salary items you can definitely have more than one per pay, however since Salary is traditionally for employees with a fixed income, a mixture of Salary and Holiday Salary (for example) needs to add up to the employees fixed salary total for the pay period. In other words, a mixture of salary items still needs to add up to one fixed amount.

    ** One trick that may help followers of this thread: if you enter hours against a single salary line (just say you want to show 20 hours personal leave) this will make all of the other lines (that have nothing entered in the hours column) have $0.00. To ensure each salary line has an amount, enter the appropriate hours split against each line (see below).

    NB. I always enter hours against salary items for reporting purposes.

    If a business needs to pay more than the salary then it's fine to use a non-salary item (such as holiday hours) to do this as it will still reduce the accrued leave. A business may also want to do this if they wish to add Holiday Loading to the pay.

  • Karen251
    Karen251 Member Posts: 17 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited August 2016
    Using the employee organiser there is no provision for Annual Leave or Personal Leave in the reason for leave which is weird because the majority of leave would be these two.  I enter them as other but would prefer to have a heading for annual and personal.  Can this be done?
  • LD
    LD Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited December 2016
    I have an old version of Reckons Accounts plus 2014. Does it come with Time sheet? I cannot find the employee icon that specify time or time sheet. Please assist

  • Shakir
    Shakir Reckon Alumni Posts: 54 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff
    edited December 2016
    Hi, thanks for your post and Welcome to Reckon community.

    Reckon Accounts Plus does not have the feature of Timesheet, this is available in Reckon Accounts Premier and higher versions.

  • sherrie
    sherrie Member Posts: 11 Reckoner Reckoner

    I have used lots of accounting systems and I cannot believe I can not find a leave accrual and leave taken on one report. Can someone help me.