How do I turn off Estimates in Reckon One

Margaret Carey
Margaret Carey Member Posts: 24
edited February 2019 in Reckon One
Customer never uses Estimates - how do I prevent them from being shown 


  • Ifti
    Ifti Reckon Staff Posts: 258 Reckon Staff
    edited February 2019
    Hi Margaret,

    Thanks for your post.

    To turn off Estimates, you will have to create a role and un-tick Estimate access. That will prevent user from seeing Estimate screen. If there's only 1 user and they're the Admin, you can "Duplicate" the Admin role and just un-tick "Estimates", so you don't have to check all other permissions.

    Once role is created, go back to Users and assign the user to this role.

    That should do it. Please let us know how you go.

