Upgrade to Reckon Personal Plus 2017; why un-link investment accounts before upgrade; what are the p
1. What are linked investment accounts?
2. Is the Imputation Credits account a linked account? Should it be de-linked? (I suspect not; I've never had to do so in the past).
3. Does the Paycheque facility use linked accounts? Do these have to be de-linked and re-built?
4. When I make transfers between accounts, are these linked accounts?
5. When the 'Investment Returns' report is set to show 'Cash flow detail', the top half of the report is blank. This contains rows for each transaction in the cash accounts in my SMSF. You can click on a row and be transferred to the transaction in the relevant account. But you cannot see the details in the Investment Returns Report. Is the Investment Returns report using linked accounts? Do I have to de-link these? How?
6. I don't want to de-link accounts? What are the consequences if I do not de-link?
7. What is required to re-linking all the broken transactions after upgrade?
I'd appreciate a simple explanation and guidance on what I need to do before I upgrade.
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Thank you. Your reply gave me sufficient confidence to go ahead and dot the upgrade without investigating further. It was actually easier than the previous version, and much easier than the hell we used to have to go through back in the old days - before the start of Home and Business and Personal Plus. (I've been using Quicken then Reckon continuously since 1991).
Account balances seem correct at first glance. After cursory preliminary checks, the investment info seems to be as it was in the 2015 file. However, the share prices did no update tonight. Why is that? What is the fix? The shares are selected in "One Step Update Settings/Select Quotes".
Peter0 -
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Thank you. I have only Australian shares so I don't know if there is an issue with US shares too. None of my Australian share prices updated at 8:05 pm. I tried repeatedly for what seemed like an hour, but perhaps I gave up before 9 pm. I tried again at 10:43 pm and they all updated; all are correct.
I raised an issue in June 2016 about the price downloads not displaying in Portfolio view until I went back a day and then forward a day. Many other users with the problem commented on that thread. Reckon commented many times and said they'd fix it. First, they offered new DLL's (many people were happy to do change the DLLs and said it fixed the issue). However, I am not IT literate and there is no way I am going to make any changes in the Registry files. Then Reckon said they'd issue a formal release after formal quality control process completed. To my knowledge they never released it. I had to go back a day and forward a day every week-day for 6 months (the problem started around 23 May).
The outstanding issue now is that the share prices are not updating at 8 pm in PP2017 but do in PP2015. I understand from comments on the thread a month ago about this problem that at first the delay was 10 hours until the share prices could be downloaded in PP2017, then it was reduced to a 1 hour delay. My guess is that until the change from 10h to 1h delay the download was at 8pm GMT instead of AEDT. My guess is the 1 h delay is because they changed to AEST rather than to AEDT.
Could Reckon please tell me if the 1 h delay in PP2017 is being fixed, and give an estimate of when it will be fixed?0 -
Hi Peter,
With our recent changes to the share price servers, all share price download info will be available from 9pm moving forward.
Backend processes have been simplified and in order to reduce multiple services from picking up different components of data. As such, all data will now be available from 9pm.
Hope that helps to clarify,
Rav0 -
Thank you for clarifying that. I am certainly disappointed that the information will not be available until 9pm in future. That's 5h after market closes in eastern states, and I would think rather late at night for many working people (and for some retirees, like me).
I don't understand why the data was available after 8pm in PP2015 (I presume from the same backend systems?) but won't be provided in PP2017 and in the future. Surely, it must be possible. I'd appreciate an explanation of why, otherwise my frustration is likely to linger for a long time.0 -
Hi Peter,
We're not quite 5 hours behind, the ASX releases share price info at 7pm so we update a couple of hours after that timeframe.
Personal Plus 2017 is running on new share price servers which in an overall sense provide much more reliability and simplification of the processes that handle this service. Patches are in the works for 2015 and 2016 however I cannot provide any timeframe on these as yet.0 -
Hi Rav,
Thank you for this explanation. Before this latest comment I didn't understand that PP2015 and PP2016 are getting share prices from a different share price server. And now I understand that ASX releases the share price data at 7 pm.
I truly hope Reckon will progress to releasing the share prices at 8 pm once the systems are bedded down. I don't understand why it should take 2 hours to update your servers and make available to users to download. It seems like a major step backwards.
Peter0 -
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