connect to reckon without opening it

Shayan Psm
Shayan Psm Member Posts: 7 Novice Member Novice Member
edited October 2024 in Accounts Hosted
Hi all, I've heard there is a way to not to open the reckon application while using remote connector and Reckon SSIS package. I know there is a way to do some configuration so the remote connecter doesnt need to open Reckon windows app on the server. if anyone has some knowledge through this, can you please help me around this?


  • Simon Hutchinson_8164484
    Simon Hutchinson_8164484 Reckon Alumni Posts: 135 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff
    edited February 2017
    Hi Shaya,

    It is possible to have API connections talk to the application without opening it, however the first time you connect the application must be opened. This is because a dialog needs to display that where the user authorises the app

    If you select 'allow login automatically' on that window, the app should be able to connect with Reckon Accounts closed.



  • Shayan Psm
    Shayan Psm Member Posts: 7 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited February 2017
    Hi Simon, First of all thank you for the reply and your time. Could you please give me more information about:   "If you select 'allow login automatically' on that window, the app should be able to connect with Reckon Accounts closed."? Which application you are talking about exactly? Remote Connector or Reckon? If you don't mean Reckon>integrated services (as I checked and it's ticked), can you please send me step by step screenshot as I cannot find this option. Again Thanks, Shaun
  • Simon Hutchinson_8164484
    Simon Hutchinson_8164484 Reckon Alumni Posts: 135 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff
    edited February 2017
    Hi Shayan,

    When the application first attempts to connect to the software, a certificate like the below will display in the software

    As you can see there is a option which is Yes, always ;allow access even if Reckon Accounts is not running

    If thats not selected, the application would be blocked from getting into the Accounts data without this permission.

    The Login As drop down allows you which user you would ilke the API connection to impersonate.

    Suggestion is you setup a specific user for the API activity so no other users can impact it



  • simon_9684771
    simon_9684771 Member Posts: 12 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited July 2018

    I have followed these steps and can get a connection working for either the CData excel addin or the QODBC connector (with the file open or closed in Reckon).  However we have multiple company files and connecting to the second file always appears to break the first one.  This is despite adding the file path to the 3rd party apps. Just keep getting the error;

    "Automatic login access denied. If automatic login is required, the QuickBooks administrator may grant permission through the Integrated Application preferences."

    But the connection is supposed to allow remote connections because permission has been granted.

    Anyone been able to solve this?

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