how do I as an accountant access my client data after client subscription lapses

Scott Bennett
Scott Bennett Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member
edited October 2024 in Accounts Hosted
how do I as an accountant access my client data after client subscription lapses. Client ceased paying 30 June, now I am unable to access there data file


  • Zappy
    Zappy Accredited Partner Posts: 5,552 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited August 2019
    You are in trouble. The client should have thought about this last week. I hope she has a backup.
  • Adrian_6974554
    Adrian_6974554 Member Posts: 188 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited September 2017
    You should still be able to see them as a professional partner, if you were logging in with the clients details then you will not be able to.

    We can still access clients files that have stopped paying at least 3 years ago, as they moved to other products.

    I would think they should still be accessible by Professional Partners for at least 7 years.

  • John Gibson
    John Gibson Accredited Partner Posts: 47 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited September 2017
    I am still able to get into (lapsed) client files (client changed to Xero 2 years ago) using my own accountant / AP login - you should be able to also - unless you are trying to use the client login!.....the files are still on the system, and accessible. Of course (as Kevin intimated) EVERY client should be advised to use the Hosted B drive to create regular back-ups, that you would then be able to download and review if you have the appropriate Enterprise file on your desktop (or download and re-upload to your own directory to open). As a matter of course I remind all of my Hosted clients (at least once) each year to do regular back-ups to the B drive - then they cannot blame me if stuff happens........

  • John Gibson
    John Gibson Accredited Partner Posts: 47 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited September 2017
    Yes, what Adrian said....!

  • Zappy
    Zappy Accredited Partner Posts: 5,552 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited August 2019
    Now Im confuses. If the subscriprion isnt paid isnt the file deleted?
  • John Gibson
    John Gibson Accredited Partner Posts: 47 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited September 2017
    No, happily they remain on the system for quite a few years.........I have just had to get into an old file to reprint some PAYG Certificates (that the client did not keep copies of) that the courts were wanting for some reason......(but certainly a good plan if you are aware a subscription has ceased, to download a back-up ......just in case!)

  • Jay Jay
    Jay Jay Reckon Alumni Posts: 55 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff
    edited September 2017
    Hi Scott, 
    If this client has shared their file with you before the expires,  you will have the shot cut from your login to access the shared file and it doesn't matter if they are expired or not, you will always have access. 
    If the file was never shared with you, you should contact the customer service on 1800 732 566 and verify the expired account still have files or not, if lucky and files still on the system, you can renew the account for a period of 30 days and gain access to the account and download the files. 

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