Exchange rate update appears to work but rates are wrong!

Peter Sinclair_8078694
Peter Sinclair_8078694 Member Posts: 7 Novice Member Novice Member
Exchange rate update appears to work but many rates are quite wrong.

For example on 2/11/2017: 
GBP 0.45365
USD 0.72876
EUR 0.66880

I am running Reckon Personal 2018 but I believe the same behaviour existed before I upgraded from 2017.

This was not an issue until I started using a Travel Money Card with EUR and GBP, which I am trying to update from a recent trip.


  • John G
    John G Reckon Staff Posts: 1,576 Reckon Staff
    edited November 2017
    Hello Peter,

    Thanks for raising the issue, but this morning it does seem to be reporting OK:

    Reckon Accounts Personal - updated 9:00pm 2/11/17


    from 9:00am 3/11/17:


    Hope this helps.

  • Peter Sinclair_8078694
    Peter Sinclair_8078694 Member Posts: 7 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited November 2017
    Dear John,

    Many thanks for looking at this. I am unfortunately getting consistently wrong figures; it seems although I am getting no error on updating the rates, they are not actually changing. 


  • John G
    John G Reckon Staff Posts: 1,576 Reckon Staff
    edited November 2017
    Thanks Peter,

    Your currency list is significantly different from the standard one - its shorter, it has different names and symbols.  Have you edited it in the past and created new currencies?

    Its most likely that your Currency file (.HCX) has become corrupt.  

    Please do the following:
    1. Make a fresh backup of your files;
    2. In Tools > Currency List, right click a currency and check that the Currency Code is correct (check it against codes used by your bank or internet providers like  change as necessary.
    3. Test One-step update again.
    Have all errors been corrected?  If not, continue....
    1. close Reckon Accounts Personal.
    2. In Windows Explorer go to the folder that contains your data file (yourfilename.QDF);
    3. You will see a number of files with the same name as your data file but with different file extensions;
    4. rename the file yourfilename.HCX to yourfilename.HCX.old
    5. if you have more than one datafile, 
    6. Restart RAP - a new HCX file will be created.
    7. view the Currency List and see that your changes and additions have been maintained;
    8. launch the One-Step update;
    9. In Settings, untick the option Download stock & managed fund quotes (that is, will be downloading currency echange rates only) 
    10. Click Update now.
    11. When complete check the rates.
    12. On the next update make sure to tick Download stock & managed fund quotes to get share price updates.

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