Trading Name not Displayed on Invoice

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member
edited September 2018 in Reckon One
How do I display a Trading Name on Invoices?

So far not happy with customisation!
For example.....
Every word is the same font size
Cant arrange anything, unlike Reckon Desktop
The logo is pixelated, spent almost 2 hours resizing, still not the best image.
Cant change "Ref# "to "Purchase Order."
just to name a few.......     :(


  • John G
    John G Reckon Staff Posts: 1,570 Reckon Staff
    edited February 2018
    Hello NewUser,

    Welcome to the Reckon Community.

    If your Trading Name is different to your Legal name, make sure the names are entered into their respective fields in cogwheel > Settings > General > Book Settings, and the General details tab.

    You can configure your Invoice Template by clicking on the Template link in the top right of the invoice and select Manage.  Here you can make choices what appears on the invoice.  

    Hope this helps.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited February 2018
    G'day John

    Many thanks for your reply.

    I have confirmed my legal name and trading names are in the settings, but still unable to Display both names. Please see below for a list of information able to be displayed on the invoice. Is there another page for customisations?
  • John G
    John G Reckon Staff Posts: 1,570 Reckon Staff
    edited February 2018
    thanks NewUser,

    You will only see one name - the Company Name as it is in the Settings field.  Legal name will not show.  

    Do both names have to be present on the invoice?
    Is it a case of "XYZ Pty Ltd trading as ABC Business"?

  • Hamish
    Hamish Member Posts: 8 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited September 2018
    There is a new Add-on for Reckon One that gives you greater control over the design of your invoices.

    "Prettier Invoices" is a Windows program that lets you create much prettier invoices than Reckon One lets you by giving you more control over the look of your invoices. You can add extra text, images, or add a watermark image to your invoices.

    For more details:

    A free trial is available for you to test it out.

  • treen79
    treen79 Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member

    Sorry to post a comment on a older thread, but I couldn't find a more recent conversation about trading and company names. I am new to Reckon (so this is likely the first of many questions) and wanted to know if there is a way to set up both a company and trading name that will display on invoices?

    We have a company name, that no one will really recognise, so would prefer to have our trading name listed on invoices. From what I've read (and happy to be corrected if wrong), the legal name entered into book settings must be the official company name. Can I put the trading name into the company name section? And will both show on invoices? What is the correct way for both to be entered?

    In John's response above he asks Is it a case of "XYZ Pty Ltd trading as ABC Business"? This is the case for our company/business. How can I include information to reflect this in Reckon One book settings?

    Thanks in advance