tax deducted is too high
Paul Mason
Member Posts: 63 Reckoner
I have not used payroll in years, just set up a new employee, Tax set as 2-TFT yet the amount deducted is higer than ATO tax tables list
What am I doing wrong please
What am I doing wrong please
What version of the software are you using? The latest? Check under Employees (top of screen, select Tax Table Information, latest version should be 1718262
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Im using accounts hosted, I thought it would be the latest one0
I just checked and yes its 1718262
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I 1st set this employye up on salary 80K per year and then paiid weekly, when I saw the high tax amount I changed his rate to hourly and its still the same0
Then check the set-up of the Super Clearing House payroll Item - maybe you have ticked for PAYG Tax (should be blank)
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Excellent pick-up John. Add the Super to the salary and the tax comes out exactly to the amount showing on the pay slip.
John L G1 -
Spot On John, yes it was in the super set up, fixed it now thabnks to you :-)0
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