Suggestions for next upgrade

Robert_10043105 Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member
Suggestions for next upgrade:
  1. For superannuation accounts: allow Superannuation Specific Security entries to be included (with entry and exit prices).  The current setup does not seem to allow this.
  2. For savings goals: allow linkage with bank accounts to facilitate tracking of goals.  There is at least one 'Big4' bank that allows this type of arrangement (one account with p to six specific goals).
  3. For Budget planner: Previous versions allowed users to enter amounts from a specific date, whilst the current version (2017) does not.  Such a feature would assist in improving budget analysis (eg when CPI adjustments/wage rises occur)
  4. Education loan accounts: Introduce an account that specifically caters for HECS-HELP loans, including tracking for payroll repayments.