Portfolio view and Security Detail View don't match #shares in transaction register

Lorna Hall
Lorna Hall Member Posts: 8 Novice Member Novice Member
I bought 2 parcels of shares and subsequently sold some of one parcel.  I think I might have deleted the sale to try to fix an error (I can't remember what it was as it was a long time ago) and now find things are worse.  This was in 2018 so I can't go back to a backup copy and start from there. 
The number of shares in the Portfolio View and Security Detail view are correct but the number in the transaction file are incorrect and I can't work out how to even fudge a transaction to get the figures aligned.
How can I repair the ledgers?  It seems Reckon doesn't properly adjust when reversing a transaction.  It would be extremely difficult to live with a file that can't balance.
