IMPORTANT: ATO Maintenance affecting STP & JobKeeper submissions

Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,728 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
edited August 2020 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
Hi everyone,
We've just received word that the ATO will be performing system maintenance on their Standard Business Reporting (SBR) service this Thursday evening.

Their maintenance will start from start at 11:30PM (AEST), Thursday 30 April.

We will be switching our GovConnect service off at 11:15PM (AEST) to ensure we are offline when the system maintenance is in effect. This is the cutoff time for JobKeeper April reports.

Submissions made after this time will be queued but will not be processed until the SBR service is back online at 8:00AM 1 May.


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,728 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited April 2020
    Requires separate thread Please reference the new conversation here: Lodgement issues with GovConnect
  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,728 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited April 2020
    Hi everyone,
    Just a reminder of the ATO maintenance period tonight as outlined above.