Reckon Premier 2020 wont print/email

Kyra Hubber
Kyra Hubber Member Posts: 6 Novice Member Novice Member
edited July 2020 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
I have just upgraded from QB2010/11 to reckon premier 2020. Im also on windows 10. I have been having major issues with printing and emailing... Tech support was helping and we discovered that I needed to use the Reckon product invoice template and then it would print, however as soon as I made a copy of this template and customised the invoice to what i want , it wont print again - it just freezes at the last printing box. But it still prints ok on the original Reckon product invoice template.  I still cant get emails to go either - I have tried removing the pdf converter and reinstalling and renaming...


  • Tiffany Jennings
    Tiffany Jennings Member Posts: 15 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited June 2020
    Hi Kyra, 

    I have been working on this issue for the last 2 hours, I mus not be alone.

    I was also unable to email or print.

    When I try and email it was working fine this morning than at about midday started showing a message "Reckon Accounts Printer Library". I had our IT guys look at this for the last two hours, together we could not solve the problem. We also discovered that when we tried printing Reckon would freeze.

    I tried printing changing the template back like you have mentioned and it printed without and freezing however still cannot email. 

    We have 5 users, I have tried logging in under Admin no luck. All other PC's are working fine it is just mine that has stopped working (no matter the user login). 

    Hopefully there is a solve to this issue soon, very difficult to be productive. 

    We are running Reckon Accounts Premier 2019.

    Any help that anyone has would be greatly appreciated. 


    <img alt="" title="Image 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
  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,735 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited June 2020
    Hi Kyra & Tiffany,
    We've had our team investigating this as well and it looks to a much wider issue than just affecting Reckon products. The cause is a recent Windows 10 update KB4560960, I'll leave the link to their site below where its been recognised installation of this update is causing issues with printing and printing to PDF -

    To solve this, you need to download and install the new Windows 10 update from Microsoft - KB4567512 which they've advised fixes the underlying problem. I'll link the details of this new update from their site here -
  • Tiffany Jennings
    Tiffany Jennings Member Posts: 15 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited July 2020
    Hi Rav,

    Thank you for your reply, I have automatic updates and have checked this update is installed and the matter is not resolved. 

    I am not sure what else to do if this update hasn't resolved the problem, is there more information you may have? My colleagues are running the same windows version and also received the update and have yet to see any problems. 

    It's really painful, as I email a lot of documents daily!

  • Karen Lenehan
    Karen Lenehan Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited June 2020

    I'm having problems with emailing payslips from Reckon. Interestingly, I'm also having issues with printing from Outlook, Word, etc and I am totally up to date with Windows. Guess, I have to wait for a further update from Microsoft.
  • Cameron Coulter
    Cameron Coulter Member Posts: 5 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited June 2020
    Yep so I'm in the same boat, have just upgraded our computer system to windows 10, not a fan as yet. Had the IT tech set them up about a week or 10 days ago, he was able to email invoices  but the next morning I was not able to email invoices, I presume this was the night of the update.
     I fount this thread so tried downloading the windows patch but for whatever reason it wont download (update is not applicable to your computer), I emailed Reckon who sent me a link with the update but still no success, I rang Reckon and the tech remoted my computer, after 65mins he came to the conclusion that it was an issue with the template.
    Today I sat down and created all new templates for our invoices ect and now I'm in the same boat again, wont save as PDF and cant email, Reckon just freezes.

    Now there seems to be a recurring issue here and it needs to be fixed, most of us pay decent money for a program that we can't use. I would presume your (Reckons) response would be that it's Microsoft's problem but there has been issues for years as seen back in these threads.
    I don't see that it's acceptable for consumers to be spending so much time resolving issues with your program.
  • Cameron Coulter
    Cameron Coulter Member Posts: 5 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited June 2020
    so did anyone get a resolution? I'm still having issues and it feels like I'm getting the run around, it's not reckons problem, it;s not windows problem just seems to be my problem.
  • Kyra Hubber
    Kyra Hubber Member Posts: 6 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited June 2020
    nope! soooo frustrating!!
  • Tiffany Jennings
    Tiffany Jennings Member Posts: 15 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited June 2020
    I tried all the instructions from Reckon, was no help at all just took my tech guys hours for no reason. Luckily he is really good with computers and the only way he was able to fix was uninstall everything and reinstall on my computer and now reckon is working normally. This is a massive and costly job, but after posting here hours of research and multiple calls to the tech support this was the only way. 
  • Tiffany Jennings
    Tiffany Jennings Member Posts: 15 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited June 2020
    'From my Tech Guys Below'

    We resolved this issue with a Windows Reset.  (fingers crossed it stays resolved)
    System restore among other attempts (uninstall printers etc. as recommended) failed.
    This uninstalls everything, reinstall windows & leaves the remaining user documents.
    It is one step prior to a full re-format of the computer.
    Required a reinstall of office, including backup & resolving links to outlook files.
    Required a reinstall of Reckon itself & re-link to data files.
    Will require a reinstall of any other programs that were previously installed.
    It is working for now.
    We have disabled windows updates for the time being.

  • Kyra Hubber
    Kyra Hubber Member Posts: 6 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited June 2020
    Jeepers! My fingers are crossed for you too lol thanks for this, I will pass onto my computer man too.
  • Tiffany Jennings
    Tiffany Jennings Member Posts: 15 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited July 2020
    Guys just an update, we had to upgrade to 2020 R1 today in order to update the tax tables and - BAM - no emailing again :( this is so frustrating. 
  • Kyra Hubber
    Kyra Hubber Member Posts: 6 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited July 2020
    Oh God!
  • Tiffany Jennings
    Tiffany Jennings Member Posts: 15 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited July 2020
    It is really costing a fortune to get it sorted, and the Tech Support at Reckon are no help, they keep saying its not their issue. Well to me if your software isn't compatible with WINDOWS than it should be. ?
  • Kyra Hubber
    Kyra Hubber Member Posts: 6 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited July 2020
    Yes i agree
  • Tiffany Jennings
    Tiffany Jennings Member Posts: 15 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited July 2020
    Sooo!!! We have a resolution guys and please share!

    The underlying problem was to do with the logo size on our templates within reckon stopping them from being printed and emailed. As with the new windows update the logo needs to be under 300KB ours was 667KB therefore the documents were not sending. 

    I went through reduced the size on all logos and have had no further problems! Good luck 

    P.s. where do I send the bill for fixing this? 
  • Cameron Coulter
    Cameron Coulter Member Posts: 5 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited July 2020
    cool, I knew it had something to do with the logo but couldn't work out what, I removed ours and just put txt in there and we were able to email...............for a while.
    I'll try your hack over the weekend. Thanks.
  • Kyra Hubber
    Kyra Hubber Member Posts: 6 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited July 2020
    Yes, we fixed it too, we had several photos on our invoices and needed to resize them all! It's been going great since then fingers crossed!