different rate and rdo setup
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Thanks Kevin. I thought when I read the question that the RDO would be paid at the normal rate regardless of the onsite rate that is sometimes paid to the employee. The way I do our RDO's would get around this issue because the accrual rate can be set to whatever rate needed. I'm not sure why the accrual rate needs to be different anyway if the paid out rate will always be at the normal rate. If the RDO's are set up so that they are separate from the other rates of pay, it makes the system fairly easy. RDO's accumulate on all sorts of payroll items, like annual leave, personal leave etc, so it's easier if they are separate. That's what I was trying to get across to MPP; perhaps not very well.
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thanks for your contributions. I think Judy's suggestion solve my problems. I will setup RDO deduct and RDO paid with normal rate. This will definitely solve difference in normal and onsite rates. It itsn't practical to have 2 different RDO rates but also employee can't miss out on their money.
Now I need to dig in for holiday and sick leave accruals and super.
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