Can't get scheduled backups working in Reckon Premier 2020

We are unable to get scheduled backups working in Reckon Premier 2020 that is installed on a Windows 2012r2 terminal server .
We can "backup now" ok, but the scheduled process fails.
We are getting the following error in the backup log.
We are using the administrator account in the stored password section.
Any ideas on how we can get the backups working?
thanks 😃
Hi :),
What I did for some clients that had the same problem is to have a tool to manually copy the file (QBW file) and store it somewhere that you can use it later. The QBW file doesn't need to close during the process. This way you can be sure that your file is saved every night. It comes handy when you have a large file (that could take a long time to do a regular backup)
And you know how to reach me if you want to learn more :P
Phuong Do / Reckon Developer Partner