JobKeeper 2.1 Webinar Video

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Hi everyone,
If you missed our free JobKeeper 2.1 live webinar, you can access the recording here.
Find out everything you need to know about the announced changes to JobKeeper (known as JobKeeper 2.1) along with changes impacting anyone already in JobKeeper 1.0. Presented by Industry Thought Leader & Reckon Accredited Trainer Clayton Oates from QA Business.
The webinar covers a range of JobKeeper topics including;
- Discover who will be eligible for the JobKeeper Extension Subsidy with the new decline in Turnover Tests and the removal of the June Quarter Test
- Find out how to enrol for the JobKeeper Extension
- Discover changes that were introduced in August if you are already eligible for the original JobKeeper subsidy program
- Discover if you qualify for the JobKeeper Extension Subsidy even if you havenβt been eligible for the existing Subsidy
- Learn about the new test date for employee eligibility
- Discover what changes (if any) will you need to make in your payroll software
- How will the JobKeeper Extension subsidy be processed via Single Touch Payroll
- Discover the details of the Two-Tier payments system and the varying rates of JobKeeper payments you may receive
- Learn about the two extension periods and who qualifies for each
- Find out how to use your payroll and accounting system to assist you in assessing your eligibility and ongoing obligations for the JobKeeper Extension Subsidy
- Learn about the new 10% Decline in Turnover Certificate required for legacy employers to continue to qualify for Fair Work concessions
Watch the recorded webinar below -
If you would like a copy of the webinar slides, you can request it for free from QA Business by clicking below.
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