(MAPI error code 00000000 (0) at line 921 in sendemail.cpp


I know this is a very common topic, and I have suffered this many times over many years, but I cannot remember or find the correct repair schedule.

I have used Reckon for 20+ years. the last PC was windows 8.1

This weekend I installed 2020 small business accounting on brand new PC, windows 10 just updated,

latest outlook email installed.

Installation went well after first failing, then I updated .NET3.5 and 4.7, then installed great.

Now I can print to desktop, but when trying to email from Reckon, stops when 'going online' and displays the above fault

I know last time , with excellent help from Kevin, I removed the last windows update i installed, but this time since I have installed on a new PC, I do not know which if any which update is causing the problem, or if I should be taking another process to correct this problem.

Any help would be appreciated


