How to show employee's IRD # & tax code on Payslip

bishopch Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member

Hi team

I added a new employee and issued the first pay slip but found her IRD # and tax code were not shown on her pay slip. Could you please help me out?


  • Bruce
    Bruce Member Posts: 447 Professional Partner Professional Partner

    Excuse my ignorance but what is an IRD number?

    irrespective of this, if you use a customised template and add/remove fields as required

  • bishopch
    bishopch Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member

    Oh IRD number is individual tax number for NZ residents. and on all other employees' pay slip, their tax code and IRD number are stated. I saved the new staff's info but it does not show on her pay slip.

  • Bruce
    Bruce Member Posts: 447 Professional Partner Professional Partner

    sorry, can't explain why it is showing for some employees and not for others