Tax table update

Tony West
Tony West Member Posts: 26 Reckoner Reckoner

Hi to all.

I'm not sure if my previous post today went live or failed but I cannot find it. So here we go again sorry if I have doubled up.

I use Reckon Accounts Premier Release 2020 R2P. When I downloaded the 21/22 Tax table update today the installation fails as it cannot find the correct path for the install. I believe it is looking for 2021 R1

I thought I may have missed a previous update, then found the October 2020 download, installed it successfully however my release title is still the same 2020 R2P. I tried again anyway to install the new 21/22 tax table update but still the same problem.

Would anyone have any ideas please.

Regards Tony


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,732 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi Tony,

    Apologies, it looks like your posts got caught up in the automated spam filter for some reason. I've removed it from there now, sorry about that.

    In regard to your query. as you've alluded to in your post the current tax table update will only install on Reckon Accounts 2021. The 2021 edition was released earlier this year in March.

    Have you subscribed to the 2021 version of Reckon Accounts already? If so, you will need to download and install it prior to applying the new tax table update.

  • Tony West
    Tony West Member Posts: 26 Reckoner Reckoner

    Thanks Rav.

    I worked it out in the end, I'm not sure why but I missed the March upgrade, usually all over it.

    I have now installed 2021 R1 and since installed the tax tables.

    Thanks for getting back to me.

    Regards Tony

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,732 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Great work Tony. Thanks for letting me know 👍️