stp end of year

Hi I am receiving this ATO error message when trying to complete EOY for stp ?

Error message

The value specified for an

item does not match the item type (value = "", item type = String,

uniqueID = Hint: The

actual length is less than the MinLength value


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,719 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi Katherine,

    The cause of this error message is due to a new ATO information requirement which unfortunately wasn't communicated to us prior.

    The good news is its a relatively simple solution, you just need to enter a valid email address in the Company Information section in your Reckon software.

    I've noted that you've created this conversation in the Reckon Accounts Business category so I'll attach a screenshot below on where you need to enter this info.

    Once you have, recreate the STP submission file and send it through again as you normally would.