Entering YTD leave balances

Member Posts: 3,799 Reckon Accounts Hosted Elite Expert

in Reckon One
I have gone into the settings and entered the annual entitlement for Annual leave and LSL
then I went to YTD setup and entered balances as at 28/6
in employees name I have entered the leave - annual entitlement and start date 29/6 but underneath those boxes there is a list of each leave with zeroes in all columns - accrued, used and available.
when I go to the pay run in the leave summary it only shows the accumulated this pay figure and new balance, no opening figures.
what am I doing wrong please?
Also want to add that the 2 employees I setup initially are fine but the last two I setup today for LSL and Annual leave are the problem
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Cannot see how to delete either of these posts however the problem is fixed. Changed the dates and all is good