Quicken Personal Plus 2010 key
Hello forum,
I’ve been using Quicken since about 1992 with great success and since installing Personal Plus 2010 have had very few problems. In 2015 I re-validated the license due to a printer upgrade glitch and in 2018 I reinstalled the program because of a password lockout. It restarted without requiring a new key
I was recently having problems getting the program to identify the printer, after many attempts to configure default printers etc etc I opted to try a reinstall of Personal Plus from the CD as I had done in 2018. Now the start-up requires a valid Key and I'm not able to access a replacement key.
Can you help please.
I am now one very happy chappy bean.
Following the disastrous reinstallation of Personal Plus 2010 from CD resulting in a PC Administrator lockout and then the inevitable failed phone call to the customer support for a replacement Licence key I am now back up and running thanks to Zappy. This guy is a legend. He responded instantly to my call for help and could not have done more to solve my problem. Zappy offered personal contact and advice. He contacted customer support on my behalf and physically got my program validated and functional.
Zappy, you are to be commended for your generosity of spirit and technical abilities. Very rarely do I come across people of your calibre. I am indebted to you for not only enabling me to recover and access my years of data but for saving me the stress and anguish of having to start a new accounting system.
Thank you so much.
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