Installation problem with Windows 10 EE

Zappy Accredited Partner Posts: 5,333 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner

Good morning everyone

Yesterday I spent about a day and a half trying to help a client install Reckon Easystart on to a Lenovo desktop computer that was ex education department running Windows 10 Education Edition. If anyone knows how to get this working can you please let me know. Eventually I had it up and running on another computer running Home Edition but this isnt what I want.



  • Kris_Williams
    Kris_Williams Member Posts: 3,293 Reckon Accounts Hosted Expert Reckon Accounts Hosted Expert

    is this the version of Windows that doesn’t allow you to install anything until you upgrade to Home? I had this once on a Lenovo and found that the upgrade was free but not reversible, and as soon as I did that all went well