tried to send last pay to ato through govconnect as usual . Last payrun is all good showing last payment date, the tile Reckon Accounts Desktop, this time there is another tile along side, showing Reckon One? and a message "no data received" please login to Reckon One?? I don't use reckon one only desktop. WHY??
Hi Robert,
Can you please logout of your GovConnect account (use the Signout option) and then log back into it.
Let me know if you still see the Reckon One tile in your account after doing this.
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Hi still see the Reckon One tile
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Hmmm ok that's interesting.
Ok in the first instance, to send through your STP file to Reckon Accounts Desktop as you normally do click on the 'Reckon Accounts Desktop' tile so that product is selected and then click the Upload button. I've made a screen recording from my account below which hopefully illustrates what I mean.
Secondly, can I just confirm that the email address for your GovConnect account is the same one that your Community account is registered under? If so, I'll check in with our dev team just to see what's happening with that Reckon One tile.
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Have done that, box comes up ,Please select report type etc
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Yep that's normal and something you need to do when you upload a pay event file to GovConnect.
Select the appropriate option for the report type you are sending eg. if its just a normal new pay run you're sending through to the ATO then select that option and then go through the process to upload it.
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Ok done that, coming up as draft, Reckon one tile still there though
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You need to complete the process to send the submission to the ATO. I'll link some info below on how to submit a pay event via GovConnect.
In regard to the Reckon One tile, as asked above I need you to confirm if the email address for your GovConnect account is the same one that your Community account is registered under so I can follow up on this. Can you please let me know.
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Ok have submitted it and pay date is pending - as usual. Yes email address should be same.
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Thanks Robert.
I've sent this over to our dev team to take a look at why the Reckon One product selection is appearing in your GovConnect when it wasn't there previously. I'll let you know as soon as I hear back from them after they've done some investigating.
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Thanks appreciated 😊
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Hi Robert,
I've just heard back from the dev team and the Reckon One option should now no longer be appearing in your GovConnect. Can you confirm for me when you can?
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All good, no longer there. Thank you for your help, appreciate your quick response. Excellent service.