Can you import specific Chart of accounts from Excel to new company file?
We are creating two new Company files in Accounts hosted and want to import a specific chart of account from Excel. We also want to import a customer, supplier and item lists.
The Reckon Help says "About importing data from an Excel or CSV file:
Note: This feature is not supported by Reckon and is recommended for advanced users only
What does this mean? Does it mean it won't work or it works, but we'll encounter problems or issues that Reckon support wouldn't help us with?
if you can't import chart of accounts, customers, suppliers, items to new file using excel, how else are we supposed to do this? Its there a better or easier way to do this?
Best Answer
You must first export a file template from Reckon then enter your exel details into it making sure that you maintain the top header lines as this dictates what Reckon need to import correctly. Then import it back into Reckon.
Gerry id 6376
Gerhard Winter
Ph. +61 0418907140
Reckon Store Next Door
"Always at your Service"
Export an iif file. Go to utilities - export - select whatever lists you need, tick all options and then import the file into the new company
i just reread your question and is it correct that you don’t have the required chart of accounts in a reckon file? Only a spreadsheet? I can’t advise anymore if that’s the case but I’m sure someone else will.
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Thank you everyone for your feedback & comments. Very helpful in pointing us in the right direction from the start.
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We have tried to export our current ‘Chart of accounts’ to an IIF file and it’s saved on one peron’s desktop in Q drive. But we can’t seem to open it.
I’ve read the notes about exporting & importing list to IIF files but am still confused about how this works.
My understanding of the process is:
1 export a list (eg chart of accounts) to IIF file in Reckon. (file/Utilities/export/lists to IIF files.). have saved in Q drive on desktop
2 then open or view the IIF file in excel. However we can't seem to open this file in excel.
3 then update or make the changes to match reckon requirements. Ie the right format.
4. Then once finished, import to new company file.
I read a comment in a Reckon Community post that said: "The IIF file is a plain-text tab delimited file. You can open it in Excel"
How do we open the IIF file in excel?
thanks for any advice.
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Hi Zappy
How much would it cost to talk to you about this?
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I would really love to know the outcome of this scenario as I too have found it confusing as to how to get the information back into reckon hosted once changes have been made.
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Did you download the file to your computer and then open it in Excel? You then save the new file in its original iif format, upload to Qdrive and go to file utilities and import it
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